Technical Support Representative Job

Technical support representative job description 

The technical support representative identifies and solves by phone or e-mail the problems clients have after the purchase of a product or service. The job requires good analytical skills and an excellent aptitude for communication in order to provide clients with the help they need. As call centres are open 24/7, technical support agent’s schedules are very flexible. It is not uncommon to have to be available days, evenings and weekends.

Specific skills to become a technical support representative

  • High school diploma or equivalent experience
  • Proficiency in using the Internet and computers
  • Ability to use appropriate terminology
  • Good verbal and written communication skills
  • Excellent customer focus
  • At ease working independently in a team environment 

Personal qualities of the technical support representative

  • Patience
  • Thorough analyses
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills
  • Strong organization skills
  • Courteousness network