Network Administrator Job

Network administrator job description

The administrator, i.e. network administrator, is responsible for the circulation of information on the various sites or desktops of a company, handles the installation of equipment, maintenance and upgrades of the network infrastructure. Specializing in information and communication technologies, he manages, maintains and develops the network:

  • Network management segment

This involves the internal management of a company’s network: development of networks (Windows/Linux/Cisco), intranet, management software packages (ERP, CRM), implementation of IP telephone systems, etc. The network administrator manages relationships with external service providers (suppliers, operators), and signs computer contracts. They also watch over system security (setting up user access, privacy via passwords, storing of backups).

  • Network maintenance segment 

The network administrator analyzes the performance of the network he is in charge of. He detects malfunctions and comes up with solutions to guarantee the continuity of service. He orchestrates troubleshooting operations.

  • Network development segment  

The network administrator works closely with engineers, systems and network technicians, and the head of telecommunications or operations to develop more effective network solutions. Within the team, administrators participate in defining network enhancement or extension plans. In this light, staying current with developments in the field is a daily part of the job.

Skills to be a network administrator

  • Education: College diploma (DEC in Quebec) in computers, bachelor’s degree in computers or the equivalent
  • Knowledge of good computer environment practices
  • Advanced knowledge of operating systems
  • Proficiency in the technical aspects of networks (cable materials, transmission, routing, communication protocols, etc.)
  • Management skills
  • Bilingualism, for Quebec professionals: excellent spoken and written French and English

Personal qualities to be a network administrator 

  • Thorough and methodical
  • Analytically inclined
  • Self-reliant, resourceful
  • Good teamwork skills
  • Good interpersonal and communication skills
  • Persuasive
  • Ability to stay calm and good stress tolerance to deal with the first sign of a network malfunction
  • Service-oriented and available network